The task A Parametrik Kft. 3D nyomtatási és 3D szkennelési szolgáltatást nyújt széles felhasználási területen, munkáinak többségéhez a Filaticum PLA filamenteket használja. Egy szép, de nehéz feladattal kereste meg a céget az Academia Humana Alapítvány és a Műcsarnok: Wagner Nándor ismert alkotásának, a Filozófia kert szoborcsoportnak a másolatát kellett életnagyságban elkészíteniük, viszonylag rövid határidővel. |
The challenge Printing the sculpture group is a unique project, which required a lot of preparation in the fields of design and construction. When a 3D printing company undertakes such a project, a number of risk factors has to be taken into account: whether it can estimate the size of the project realistically, whether it can provide a suitable quotation, whether it can estimate correctly the time required for each stage of the project, considering tight deadlines.Parametrik Ltd. assembled the copy of sculptures from around 80 pieces, each part was 3D printed for 2-3 days. This requires reliable printers and excellent raw materials to ensure a flawless printing process. |
The solution The first step of the task was to scan the sculptures on Gellért Hill, there was a hot summer, and right light made the work difficult, so after processing the models, the missing parts needed to be scanned again in better light conditions.This was followed by a further preparatory stage, when the models of the sculptures were cut into pieces to fit the dimensions of the available printers. During the printing phase, 10 3D printers worked continuously at the same time and in average 12 kg filaments were used per day. |
To choose the right material, Parametrik consulted Filaticum experts, who recommended Filaticum Essence, a PLA-based filament with a low percentage of added gypsum. Filaticum Essence not only ensures easy printing and a nice printed surface, but also that the printed object is easy to postprocess, glue, weld and, which was important in this case, paint.
Filaticum filaments were delivered to the user on 2.5 kg spools, so that the 8 large prints were not stopped by frequent changes of spools. The finished parts were assembled by gluing and welding, followed by postprocessing and painting on site.
The result The pictures made at the exhibition speak for themselves. The 8 man-sized sculptures were completed on time, using a total of nearly 200 kg filaments.The smooth, nice surface required little postprocessing, and the joints were processed quickly and easily thanks to the Filaticum Essence material.The assembled 1.7 to 1.8 meters high sculptures have coped well with the transport, and the very high summer temperature has not caused any problems for the sculptures which were transported in a car. |
“Good 3D printing starts with high quality filament. The development of this material has allowed us to work at the usual quality with much higher yields and almost zero stalling, in addition, which is critical for a project with tight deadlines.”
Tibor Puskás, CEO, Parametrik Ltd. |
Photos: 1/ Vera Göröntsér, 2/ Parametrik Kft. 3-6/ Péter Jekken |