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PLA filament designed for printing lithophanes, for beginners and professionals.
The uniquely developed off-white colour gives a beautifully bright appearance on thin surfaces and a darker, contrasting appearance on thicker surfaces. Printed objects will look like real photographs. Thanks to the additive used to achieve the special optical effect, the printed layers are also less visible, they almost disappear.
Objects printed with Filaticum Foam (lightweight) have got a foamy, spongy texture. The hard 3D printed foam has open cell structure. Due to the foamed structure, the layers are barely visible, and it has a rogh, sandblasted-like surface, . However, it can be easily sanded, cut, painted and shaped as needed. The beige color variant looks natural and the black one has a particularly matte finish.
The structure of the foam, the quality and structure of the surface can be widely modified by changing the printing settings.
Objects with the required density and foam structure can be printed by setting the parameters accordingly.
At higher temperatures, lower flow and speed, and with a large nozzle the lightest foam can be produced. Using the standard PLA settings, the result is a tough foam and impact resistance. The density of an object made of Filaticum Foam is 50-60% of that of an object printed with standard PLA. Depending on the settings, it can be varied from 0.6 g / cm3 up to 1.2 g / cm3.
Filaticum Foam is suitable for applications where light 3D printed objects are needed, e.g. automotive industry, modelling or founding. Its foamed structure can be exploited in printing art objects, sculptures, and biologically active substrates. It can be applied as support material also.
This PET-G filament reinforced with carbon fibers enhances rigidity, hardness, and tensile strength while maintaining minimal shrinkage. As a result of carbon fiber content, the surface of printed objects is matte, and it gives an attractive appearance. While printing, it provides excellent adhesion to build platforms and good dimensional stability.
Filaticum Wood filament is designed to create objects resembling real wood in texture and color. Printing settings are the same as those for standard PLA, and you should pay attention to the same things. The nozzle clogging is not an issue with Filaticum Wood, as it I usually a case with wood filaments.
At the same time, the adhesion is excellent, shrinkage is minimal.
The wood effect is also enhanced by the fact that the printed object has a unique touch that is rougher and more natural than PLA. In addition, it is relatively easy to sand and simple to paint.
Filaticum Fuzzy filament was developed to create unique objects with a special surface. The layers typical for FDM 3D printing are blurred, almost disappeared, as a fluffy, fuzzy surface is formed over them. This is combined with a matt effect.
Filaticum Fuzzy is PLA-based filament, therefore PLA printing settings can be used as a baseline, and then, the surface texture of the printed object can be modified by varying the printing temperature. Recommended bed temperature: 60 °C.
For an even more special look, with a lower flow a surface with “craters” can be achieved.
In addition to the unique surface, the impact resistance of the material is also very good, it is easy to sand, post-process and glue also. The Z-axis adhesion of the print is also better compared to standard PLA filament.
To achieve the characteristic surface, in addition to PLA this filament contains additives, making it somewhat stiffer than usual. Due to the nature of the filament, it is prone to stringing, but this can be easily removed after printing without traces.
The spools weigh 750 grams, but they contain the same amount of filament length as standard 1 kg PLA filaments, so the material requirement should be calculated accordingly.
The strength, hardness, and heat resistance of filament reinforced with glass fiber go far beyond the characteristics of the standard PLA. It can withstand heat of up to 100 0C. The biopolymer-based filament is also suitable for printing lightweight parts, even applicable for replacing metal parts. The printed surface is unique, glassy, so it is also a perfect choice for designers. The warping of objects printed with Filaticum Glass Reinforced is very low. Recommended printing parameters: 215 0C nozzle, 60 0C bed. If you are printing continuously in bigger quantities (above 1-2 kg), hard nozzles are recommended, in this case the printing parameters should be adjusted accordingly. Direct drive is recommended.